What Is Life Coaching?

Life Coaching is a term many of us have heard and not everyone understands, so I wanted to take a moment to explain the services I offer. During coaching sessions, we focus on you- what you want, what you are challenged with, the changes you want to make, and more. For some of my clients this is a specific goal with most calls focused on the challenges that are keeping them stuck. I also work with clients who use our coaching sessions to get into whatever is coming up in their lives, and our focus may change each time we talk. Coaching is not a one-size fits all process!

Rather than trying to guide you to a place of my choosing, I support you in discovering and moving in the direction you want to go, and I offer feedback and a professional perspective along the way. I am committed to listening with empathy, holding space, speaking truth and being fiercely compassionate while doing so. I will also use the term ‘Personal Coaching’ because coaching is personal, and many calls span a range of topics, from family to relationships to work and beyond.


I believe we are all innately capable of navigating life’s challenges. I also know that life can be really messy and hard at times. Coaching is one way to create a support system for yourself while you dive deeper into who you are and experience being present with yourself in new ways. I don’t have all the answers, and I don’t promise to ‘fix you’ so you never have another problem, trigger, or challenge. What I do promise is to help you tap into your own depth of feeling, thinking, and wisdom to allow your authentic self to emerge so you can love more deeply, be more purposeful in your life, and experience just how amazing you are.